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Welcome to King's Park Academy King’s Park Academy is part of the Ambitions Academies Trust and provides children with a caring learning environment in which they can flourish.

We are focused on all aspects of children’s development and want everyone to be happy to come to school, eager to learn and do their best.

King’s Park Academy provides exceptional care for all pupils and staff support and challenges pupils to reach their academic potential. We recognise that in order to do this the children’s social and emotional needs require special attention and we will do everything possible to remove any potential barriers to learning and future success.

We offer a safe, nurturing, respectful environment where children can build good working relationships with staff and other pupils.

Our Creative Curriculum aims to develop a thirst for knowledge and a love of learning. As the children experience success their confidence in themselves as learners grows enabling them to make excellent academic progress.

King’s Park Academy understands that starting a new school can be daunting and will support families to ensure the transition is as smooth as possible. We will continue to work closely with parents and carers to ensure the needs of the children are fully met.

We look forward to welcoming you to King’s Park Academy.

Mrs Lauren Dean

Thought of the week

Jim Rohn If someone is going down the wrong road, he doesn’t need motivation to speed him up. What he needs is education to turn him around.
